Barcode can be scannable through normal mobile barcode scanner syntax in SSRS Report Expressions in D365fo, X++

 Scannable barcodes in SSRS Report:

the expression for scannable barcode for SSRS Reports in d365FO

=IIF(fields!.value=nothing,nothing, "*" + fields!.value +"*") and font name:BCC392to1narrow   

font size: 28

for example "WHSWork" standard report having expression

=IIF(Fields!WorkId.Value = nothing, nothing, "*" + Fields!WorkId.Value + "*")

=IIF(Fields!.Value = nothing, nothing, "*"+"1231456789"+"*")

example for system :*1231456789* it is understood by system when scan barcode in mobile barcode scanner is 1231456789

this will gives scannable barcodes using mobile barcode scanner


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